利·湯連臣粵拼lei6 tong1 lin4 san4英文Ray Tomlinson1941年3月23號2016年3月5號),全名係利民·沙繆奧·湯連臣lei6 man4 saa1 miu6 ou3 tong1 lin4 san4Raymond Samuel Tomlinson),係美國嘅電腦程序師,紐約州阿姆斯特丹城人。曾經喺1971年第一次提出過E-mail而改變咗電腦信息傳送嘅方式[1]。而E-mail地址入面連接戶口同電腦域名之間嘅「@」字就係佢所創[2][3][4][5][6][7]

美國 美國紐約州阿姆斯特丹城
美國 美國麻省林肯
國籍美國 美國



  1. "Official Biography: Raymond Tomlinson". Internet Hall of Fame. 喺6 March 2016搵到.
  2. "Ray Tomlinson, email inventor and selector of @ symbol, dies aged 74". the Guardian.
  3. Dante D'Orazio (6 March 2016). "Inventor of email and savior of the @ sign, Ray Tomlinson, is dead at 74". The Verge. Vox Media.
  4. "Ray Tomlinson, Inventor Of Modern Email, Dies". NPR.org. 6 March 2016.
  5. "Email inventor Ray Tomlinson dies aged 74". The Telegraph. 6 March 2016.
  6. Todd Leopold, CNN (6 March 2016). "Ray Tomlinson, the creator of email, has died". CNN.
  7. "Email inventor Ray Tomlinson dies at 74". BBC News.
  8. Evan Koblentz (March 5, 2016). "Email inventor Ray Tomlinson dies at 74". TechRepublic.
  9. "Email inventor Ray Tomlinson dies at 74". BBC News.

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