燕麥奶係熟化嘅燕麥粒經過浸泡並且進行研磨,過濾之後加入菜籽油製成嘅植物奶,由瑞典科學家 Rickard Öste 喺1990年代發明[1][2]。燕麥奶具有牛奶嘅口感同燕麥片嘅味道,亦可以加入雲呢拿朱古力呢啲口味[3][4][5]。燕麥奶容易於消化,含有豐富礦物質維他命鐵質不飽和脂肪碳水化合物等。


參考 編輯

  1. "How oat milk could change the way you drink coffee". Time. 8 March 2018. 喺12 September 2019搵到.
  2. Hitchens, A (6 August 2018). "Hey, Where's my oat milk?". The New Yorker. 喺10 December 2018搵到.
  3. Deswal, Aastha; Deora, Navneet Singh; Mishra, Hari Niwas (2014). "Optimization of enzymatic production process of oat milk using response surface methodology". Food and Bioprocess Technology. 7 (2): 610–618. doi:10.1007/s11947-013-1144-2.
  4. Mäkinen, Outi Elina; Wanhalinna, Viivi; Zannini, Emanuele; Arendt, Elke Karin (2016). "Foods for Special Dietary Needs: Non-dairy Plant-based Milk Substitutes and Fermented Dairy-type Products". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 56 (3): 339–349. doi:10.1080/10408398.2012.761950. PMID 25575046.
  5. Zara Stone (3 June 2019). "How oat milk conquered America". Elemental. 喺12 September 2019搵到.