線性方程組粵拼sin3 sing3 fong1 cing4 zou2英文system of linear equations / linear system)喺數學上係指一組冚唪唥都係用同一組未知數線性方程式,形式係:


其中 同埋 係已知嘅常數,而 就係想搵佢哋數值嘅未知數[1][2]


個方程組嘅解答(solution)係指能夠滿足嗮呢三條式嘅 數值[3][4],例如以下嘅數值就係上述嘅方程組嘅一個解答:


睇埋 編輯

參考文獻 編輯

  • Anton, Howard (1987), Elementary Linear Algebra (5th ed.), New York: Wiley, ISBN 0-471-84819-0
  • Beauregard, Raymond A.; Fraleigh, John B. (1973), A First Course In Linear Algebra: with Optional Introduction to Groups, Rings, and Fields, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, ISBN 0-395-14017-X
  • Burden, Richard L.; Faires, J. Douglas (1993), Numerical Analysis (5th ed.), Boston: Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, ISBN 0-534-93219-3
  • Golub, Gene H.; Van Loan, Charles F. (1996), Matrix Computations (3rd ed.), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 0-8018-5414-8
  • Harper, Charlie (1976), Introduction to Mathematical Physics, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-487538-9


  1. Anton (1987, p. 2).
  2. Beauregard & Fraleigh (1973, p. 65).
  3. Burden & Faires (1993, p. 324).
  4. Golub & Van Loan (1996, p. 87).
  5. Harper (1976, p. 57).