注意:儲存之後,你可能要兜過你嘅瀏覽器快取至睇到更改。Internet Explorer: 撳住Ctrl掣再撳重新整理掣。 Firefox: 撳住Shift掣再撳重新載入(又或者撳Ctrl-Shift-R)。 Google Chrome同埋Safari用戶就噉撳個重載掣。

/* JavaScript placed here customizes WikiLove, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiLove#Custom_configuration */
 * This script extends WikiLove's own set of elements of some custom barnstars
 * requested by users.
/*global jQuery:false */
/*jshint curly:false */
// jshint valid

( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';

$.extend(true, $.wikiLoveOptions, {
	types: {
		'barnstar': {
			// some new/own barnstars
			subtypes: {
				'translators': {
					fields: [ 'message' ],
					option: 'Translator Barnstar',
					descr: 'A Barnstar for our finest translators who help to translate mediawiki.org in so much languages.',
					header: 'A barnstar for you!',
					title: 'The Translator Barnstar',
					image: 'Translation-Barnstar.png'

}( jQuery ) );