
Latest comment: 4 年前 by Dr. Greywolf

@汩汩银泉 我諗諗吓,覺得呢個名有少少問題:一般「假設」嘅英文對應我認為會係「assume」,但「null hypothesis」唔係一個 assumption,係一個 hypothesis,而 hypothesis 嘅粵文講法應該係「假說」。Dr. Greywolf (傾偈) 2020年5月11號 (一) 14:29 (UTC) 耖唨下劍橋,an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved,好似比較寬泛;wiktionary上高呢,有義項二:(general) An assumption taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation. 邇個應該比較啱「null hypothesis」佢代表嘅嘢多尐;義項一對應假説(戥理論相對)。汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2020年5月11號 (一) 15:05 (UTC)回覆
