Wikipedia:機械人/請求核准/Purbo T

操作者:/Operator: Purodha

自動抑或手動協助:/Automatic or Manually Assisted: Rarely Automatic, Predominantly Manually Assisted:

程式語言:/Programming Languages: pywikipediabot framework updated daily from svn

功能概要:/Function Summary: interwiki

編輯時段 (例如:連續,每日,一次過) / Edit period(s) : irregular as time permits, average 3 times a week, up to 12 hours in a row.

請求編輯頻率:幾耐編輯幾次 / Edit rate requested: 2 edits a per MINUTE, 60 edits per DAY.

響第度己經有機械人旗 (Y/N) / Already has a bot flag elsewhere (Y/N): Y, on: aa, am, ar, be-x-old, bn, bo, bug, bxr, cdo, co, crh, de, dsb, dz, ee, eo, fa, fi, fj, fr, gv, hr, hsb, ht, ig, is, ja, jbo, ksh, ku, kv, lbe, lg, lmo, lo,lt, ml, mr, nds, new, nl, nn, nov, or, os, pms, simple, stq, sv, tg, to, ts, ty, vec, vi, vls, vo, yi, za, zea, zh-classical, more pending.

功能細節:/ Function Details: normally starting from the ksh:Wikipedia of Ripuarian languages

源碼 / Source code:

討論 Discussion 編輯

The Purbo T has been granted after about 1 week trail period, have a nice editing. :) Shinjiman 2008年2月21號 (四) 14:40 (UTC)[回覆]