en This user is a native English speaker.
ru-3 Этот участник может вносить вклад в данный проект на русском языке высокого уровня.
This user is an administrator on the Wikimedia Commons. (verify // rfa)
This editor is an aviation enthusiast.
This editor be of a fan of Polandball.
I am looking for editors who can help me to translate User:Russavia/Polandball (zh:波兰球) into Cantonese.
Feel free to edit the article in my userspace.
To encourage collaboration, I am uploading approximately 50 Guangzhou/Hong Kong/Macau aviation photos, which I hope will encourage further article development on Cantonese Wikipedia

Aviation photos 編輯

Air Hong Kong 編輯

Air Macau 編輯

Cathay Pacific (國泰航空) 編輯

China Southern Airlines 編輯

CR Airways 編輯

Dragonair (港龍航空) 編輯

Hong Kong Airlines 編輯

Hong Kong Express Airways 編輯

Hong Kong International Airport (香港國際機場) 編輯

Macau International Airport 編輯

Kai Tak Airport 編輯