假期(英文:Holiday)又叫假日, 係指同文化或者個人有喇唥嘅一個特別嘅日子,又分成官方假日同埋非官方假日,通常有慶祝或者其它活動。



睇埋 編輯

參攷 編輯

  • Susan E. Richardson (2001). Holidays & Holy Days: Origins, Customs, and Insights on Celebrations Through the Year. Vine Books. ISBN 0-8307-3442-2.
  • Lucille Recht Penner and Ib Ohlsson (1993). Celebration: The Story of American Holidays. MacMillan Publishing Company. ISBN 0-02-770903-5.
  • Barbara Klebanow and Sara Fischer (2005). American Holidays: Exploring Traditions, Customs, and Backgrounds. Pro Lingua Associates. ISBN 0-86647-196-0.

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