可解鎖內容unlockable)喺打機用語入面係指一隻遊戲入面某啲一開始嗰陣玩家用唔到、要做某啲特定嘅嘢先可以享用嘅遊戲內容;想像有隻平台遊戲,要爆機要過 36 個關卡,喺玩家過嗮嗰 36 關之後,佢會有多 10 關可以玩-呢 10 關隱藏關就係隻遊戲當中嘅可解鎖內容[1]。喺遊戲設計上,可解鎖內容嘅存在變相會獎勵俾心機玩隻遊戲嘅玩家,所以有助提高玩家投入度[2]

睇埋 編輯


  1. Gaming's most amazing unlockables (that are nearly impossible to unlock). GamesRadar+.
  2. Boyce, A., & Barnes, T. (2010, June). BeadLoom Game: using game elements to increase motivation and learning. In Proceedings of the fifth international conference on the foundations of digital games (pp. 25-31). ACM.