夏末節,節日之一,流行愛爾蘭蘇格蘭萌島等地,定喺西曆十一月一號,現今寫法有SamhainSauinOíche Shamhna咁。當地四季節日之一。而呢日就完咗豐收季,接落冬季,一半暗半開始.。古時十一月亦用依啲代表。古時當地以日落就開始第二日,因而節十月卅號晚就開始慶祝。呢日又秋分冬至半途。




  1. O'Driscoll, Robert (ed.) (1981) The Celtic Consciousness New York: Braziller ISBN 0-8076-1136-0 pp. 197–216: Ross, Anne "Material Culture, Myth and Folk Memory" (on modern survivals); pp. 217–42: Danaher, Kevin "Irish Folk Tradition and the Celtic Calendar" (on specific customs and rituals)
  2. Hutton, p. 364
  3. Pseudo-Bede, Homiliae subdititiae; John Hennig, 'The Meaning of All the Saints', Mediaeval Studies 10 (1948), 147–61.
  4. "All Saints Day," The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd edition, ed. E. A. Livingstone (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), 41–42; The New Catholic Encyclopedia, eo.loc.