天文單位(由英文astronomical unit譯過來,符號AUaua.u.或者ua等等)係個長度單位,大約係地球太陽之間嘅遠。以前曾經定佢係1495億9787萬0691,上下差30米,即係大約1億5千萬千米。喺2012年8月嘅國際天文學大會(IAU)第28屆全體會議入面,天文學家投票將天文單位固定咗喺149,597,870,700米[1]。由嗰時起天文單位唔再同地球同太陽之間嘅實際距離掛鈎。

  1. International Astronomical Union, 編 (31 August 2012), "RESOLUTION B2 on the re-definition of the astronomical unit of length" (PDF), RESOLUTION B2, Beijing, Kina: International Astronomical Union, The XXVIII General Assembly of International Astronomical Union recommends [adopted] that the astronomical unit be re-defined to be a conventional unit of length equal to exactly 149597870700 metres, in agreement with the value adopted in IAU 2009 Resolution B2

