彼得、保羅與瑪莉(Peter, Paul and Mary)係1960年代最成功嘅美國民歌三重唱組合,由成員彼得雅羅(Peter Yarrow),保羅史圖基(Noel Stookey)同瑪莉崔佛斯(Mary Travers)組成。

最開始係經理人Albert Grossman想搵到一個「金髮大美女」(崔佛斯),一個「風趣佬」(史圖基)同埋一個「超級俊男」(雅羅)組成一個超級民歌組合,搵到佢哋三個就組成咗呢個好成功嘅組合。
彼得、保羅與瑪莉嘅第一次演出係1961年響紐約市格林威治村一個咖啡廳Bitter End。第年佢哋出咗第一張同名唱片。呢張唱片前十個月排喺公告牌雜誌排行榜前十名並且兩年咁長嘅時間排喺前100名。
編輯- 1962: Peter, Paul and Mary
- 1963: Moving
- 1963: In the Wind
- 1964: In Concert
- 1965: A Song Will Rise
- 1965: See What Tomorrow Brings
- 1966: The Peter, Paul and Mary Album
- 1967: Album 1700
- 1967: In Japan
- 1968: Late Again
- 1969: Peter, Paul & Mommy
- 1970: Ten Years Together
- 1978: Reunion
- 1983: Such Is Love
- 1986: No Easy Walk to Freedom
- 1988: A Holiday Celebration
- 1990: Flowers and Stones
- 1993: Peter Paul & Mommy Too
- 1995: PP M& (LifeLines)
- 1996: Lifelines Live
- 1998: Around the Campfire
- 1998: The Collection – Reader’s Digest Special Release
- 1999: Songs of Conscience and Concern
- 2004: In These Times
- 2004: Carry It On