後底乸粵拼hau6 dai2 naa2stepmother),又叫後母,係繼親嘅一種,當一個男人同佢之前嘅老婆生咗啲仔女之後同另一個女人結婚,男人嘅仔女就會叫嗰個女人做「後底乸」,書面語叫「繼母」[1][2]。後底乸同佢老公之前生嗰啲仔女冇任何血緣關係。



  1. Morello, C. (January 19, 2011). "Blended families more common, but the 'step' in 'stepmom' still carries a stigma". The Washington Post.
  2. Christian, A. (2005). "Contesting the myth of the 'wicked stepmother': Narrative analysis of an online family support group". Western Journal of Communication. 69 (1): 27–47. doi:10.1080/10570310500034030.
  3. The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, p. 141
  4. The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, p. 151