換心(粵拼:wun6 sam1,英文:Heart transplantation)又叫心臟移植,係種器官移植嘅心外科手術,指將第二啲冇病嘅心臟移植落去一個心臟有問題嘅人度,係種高風險手術。
編輯- Standard orthotopic heart transplantation - Masters of Cardiothoracic Surgery Series Video with Comments
- First U.S. Human-to-Human Heart Transplant at Wayne State University Library contains high-definition images from this procedure, performed by Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz.
- Official Heart Transplant Museum - Heart Of Cape Town
- Photograph of first U.S. heart transplant
- Western Cape government; South Africa (21 February 2005). "Chris Barnard Performs World's First Heart Transplant". Cape Gateway. 喺2007-01-10搵到.
- Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. "Patient's Guide to Heart Transplant Surgery". University of Southern California. 喺2007-01-10搵到.
- Nancy Reid (22 September 2005). "Heart transplant: How is it performed?". Healthwise. 原著喺1 May 2007歸檔. 喺2007-01-10搵到.
- The Adrian Kantrowitz Papers Profiles in Science from the National Library of Medicine for Adrian Kantrowitz, the first to perform a pediatric heart transplant
- Orthotopic heart transplantation: the bicaval technique
- [1] NIH
- Dr. Kewal Krishan Heart Transplant Expert in Delhi