敘利亞人 (阿拉伯文:سُورِيُّون,羅馬拼音:Sūriyyīn) 係敘利亞嘅人。佢哋大部分都係屬於阿拉伯人,不過亦有啲係其他種族,例如庫爾德人、亞述人、同埋亞美尼亞人等等。雖然一般都會係講阿拉伯文,不過少數民族亦會講返自己嘅話。
敘利亞人 阿拉伯文:سُورِيُّون | |
總人口 | |
分佈地區 | |
敘利亞 | 2,302萬 (2023年估計)[1] |
巴西 | 401萬[2] |
土耳其 | 360萬[3][4] |
阿根廷 | 150萬[5][6] |
德國 | 123萬[7] |
約旦 | 120萬[8] |
黎巴嫩 | 113萬[9] |
委內瑞拉 | 100萬[10][11][12] |
沙地阿拉伯 | 50萬[13] |
美國 | 28萬[14][15][16] |
語言 | |
阿拉伯文、庫爾德文、亞拉姆文 | |
宗教信仰 | |
伊斯蘭教 (大部分遜尼派、少數什葉派)、 基督教 (主要係東方正統教會或者東儀天主教)、德魯茲派、猶太教 |
編輯- ↑ "Syria Population 2023 (Live)". World Population Review. 原先內容歸檔喺2013-12-24. 喺2023-05-08搵到.
- ↑ "Syrian Arabic Republic". www.itamaraty.gov.br. 原著喺20 October 2018歸檔. 喺19 September 2017搵到.
- ↑ "UNHCR Turkey: Operational Update – February / March 2021". 原先內容歸檔喺2023-05-21. 喺2021-06-25搵到.
- ↑ (UNHCR), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. "UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response". unhcr.org. 原著喺5 March 2018歸檔. 喺19 September 2017搵到.
- ↑ http://amerika.revues.org/2746 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2012-01-15. Amerika:La emigración Siria-Libanesa a Argentina (the Syrian and Lebanese emigration to Argentina). Retrieved in August 31, 2012, to 14:35pm.
- ↑ http://www.oni.escuelas.edu.ar/olimpi98/bajarondelosbarcos/Colectividades/Turcos,%20sirios%20y%20libaneses/inmigraci%C3%B3n.htm 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2008-12-11. Sirios, turcos y libaneses. Retrieved in August 31, 2012, to 15:15pm.
- ↑ "Statistischer Bericht – Mikrozensus – Bevölkerung nach Migrationshintergrund – Erstergebnisse 2022". 20 April 2023. 原先內容歸檔喺17 July 2023. 喺17 July 2023搵到.
- ↑ (UNHCR), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. "UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response". unhcr.org. 原著喺22 September 2015歸檔. 喺19 September 2017搵到.
- ↑ (UNHCR), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. "UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response". unhcr.org. 原著喺22 September 2015歸檔. 喺19 September 2017搵到.
- ↑ Jordan, Levi. "Syria Steps into Latin America". Americas Society Council of the Americas. 原先內容歸檔喺16 January 2017. 喺15 January 2017搵到.
Syria hopes will serve as an avenue to attract investment dollars from the one-million-strong community of Venezuelans of Syrian descent
- ↑ Nachawati, Leila (March 2013). "Cómo será recordado Chávez en Siria" (西班牙文). ElDiario.es. 原先內容歸檔喺16 January 2017. 喺15 January 2017搵到.
Se calcula que cerca de un millón de habitantes del país tiene origen sirio, personal o familiar.
- ↑ Gomez, Diego (February 2012). "EL LEVANTE Y AMÉRICA LATINA. UNA BITÁCORA DE LATINOAMÉRICA EN SIRIA, LÍBANO, JORDANIA Y PALESTINA". distintaslatitudes.net (西班牙文). 原先內容歸檔喺6 May 2019. 喺15 January 2017搵到.
de acuerdo con el Instituto de Estadística de Venezuela, cerca de un millón de venezolanos tienen orígenes sirios y más de 20 mil venezolanos están registrados en el catastro del consulado sudamericano en Damasco.
- ↑ Jawhar, Sabria (10 September 2015). "KSA already home to 500,000 Syrians". Arabnews.com. Arab news. 原先內容歸檔喺13 September 2015. 喺7 March 2021搵到.
- ↑ "SELECTED POPULATION PROFILE IN THE UNITED STATES 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates". American FactFinder. U.S. Census Bureau. 原著喺14 February 2020歸檔. 喺11 November 2017搵到.
- ↑ Hitti, Philip (2005) [1924]. The Syrians in America. Gorgias Press. ISBN 978-1-59333-176-4.
- ↑ Syrian Americans by J. Sydney Jones
- ↑ "The Caribbean History Archives: Syrian-Lebanese community". 2011-10-03. 原先內容歸檔喺2023-04-04. 喺2018-04-16搵到.