文化馬賽克英文cultural mosaic法文la mosaïque culturelle)描述喺加拿大社會共存嘅各個社羣、各種語言同各種文化嘅互相融合。文化馬賽克嘅理念係爲咗捍衛多元文化嘅理想,唔同隔籬美國「大熔爐」式嘅同化[1]

  1. Levine, Randy and Gifty Serbeh-Dunn (Spring 1999). "Mosaic vs. Melting Pot Voices, Volume 1, Number 4. Retrieved on: June 13, 2008.


  • Gibbon, J. 1938. The Canadian Mosaic, McClelland & Stewart Limited, Toronto.
  • Porter, J. 1965. The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada. University of Toronto Press.