新產品開發英文product development)係將市場機會同埋一系列產品技術既知識同假設轉化做可以賣錢既產品。新產品開發對電子行業同埋新興技術(例如綠色產品)尤其重要[1]。新產品開發需要多部門既合作同埋部門之間既合作同埋知識交流。近年產品開發多咗用大數據去收集市場資訊,增加新產品既成功率[2]


  • 創意產生(idea generation 或者叫做 ideation)
  • 產品定義 (product definition)
  • 原型製作 (prototyping)
  • 初步設計 (initial design)
  • 驗證同測試 (validation and testing)
  • 商業化 (commercialization)


  1. Wong, Stanley Kam Sing (2013–07). "Environmental Requirements, Knowledge Sharing and Green Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Electronics Industry in China". Business Strategy and the Environment (英文). 22 (5): 321–338. doi:10.1002/bse.1746. ISSN 0964-4733.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  2. Hajli, Nick; Tajvidi, Mina; Gbadamosi, Ayantunji; Nadeem, Waqar (2020-04-01). "Understanding market agility for new product success with big data analytics". Industrial Marketing Management. 86: 135–143. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.09.010. ISSN 0019-8501.