

易用度檢測英文usability inspection)喺人機互動上指靠易用度專家用客觀方法親自評估一個電腦系統易用度。例如認知走查法(cognitive walkthrough)係一種成日用嘅易用度檢測做法,當一個設計者用認知走查法嗰陣,佢首先要列出嗮「如果用家想要用隻軟件達到某樣效果,需要經過邊啲步驟?」,例如評估緊隻繪圖軟件,列出如果用家想要增加幅圖嘅光度需要先後撳邊個掣;然後 foreach 步驟,設計者都會問幾條問題:

  1. 用家能唔能夠輕易睇得出要撳邊個掣?
  2. 用家能唔能夠理解隻軟件對嗰個功能嘅描述?

... 等等。個設計者會一路做以上嘅嘢,做到評估嗮隻軟件嘅各種功能為止[1][2]


  1. Blackmon, M. H., Polson, P. G., Kitajima, M., & Lewis, C. (2002, April). Cognitive walkthrough for the web (PDF). In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 463-470).
  2. Spencer, R. (2000, April). The streamlined cognitive walkthrough method, working around social constraints encountered in a software development company (PDF). In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 353-359).