災難女孩英文Disaster Girl)係一幅廣爲流傳嘅網絡Meme圖,入面有一間燒緊嘅屋,前面有個細路女露出魔性嘅笑容,好似奸笑噉。[1][2][3]


相入邊嘅女子叫 Zoë Roth,喺2005年影呢張相嗰陣佢4歲,[4]2021年4月29號,呢張相賣咗大約$480,000美金。[5]

Roth一家人住喺北卡羅萊納梅班(Mebane, North Carolina)嘅一間消防局附近,佢哋睇住一間作為訓練用途燒緊嘅屋,Zoë 嘅阿爸係一個業餘攝影師,佢影咗呢一張相,阿女 Zoë 笑得好開心,搞到好似係佢放火燒咗間屋奸計得逞咁。2007年佢阿爸攞咗呢張相嚟參加一個攝影比賽,贏咗。[1] 呢張相贏咗2008年JPG雜誌嘅表情捕捉比賽之後出嗮名。[6]Zoë 授權咗用呢張相嚟做教育用途,但係之後呢張相被人用咗無數次作唔同嘅用途,超出 Zoë 嘅控制。喺2021年2月佢收到一封電郵話畀佢知可以用NFT嘅形式賣呢張相,並且價錢高達「六位數字」,Zoë 就決定賣咗張相。[6]2021年4月17號,佢而180以太幣(當時等值於US$486,716)嘅價格賣咗張相畀一個代號 @3FMusic 嘅收藏家。[7]Roth一家保留張相嘅版權[1],同埋NFT再買嗰陣佢哋會得到10%嘅收益。[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fazio, Marie (April 29, 2021). "The World Knows Her as 'Disaster Girl.' She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme". The New York Times.
  2. Gartenberg, Chaim (April 29, 2021). "'Disaster Girl' has sold her popular meme as an NFT for $500,000". The Verge.
  3. Pritchard, Will. "They were ancient internet memes. Now NFTs are making them rich". Wired.
  4. Cost, Ben; Grace, Asia (April 28, 2021). "'Disaster Girl' selling original photo behind viral meme for $473K". New York Post (美國英文). 喺April 29, 2021搵到.
  5. "Zoë Roth sells 'Disaster Girl' meme as NFT for $500,000". BBC News.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Ellis, Maddie (April 27, 2021). "After years as a meme, 'Disaster Girl' takes control of her image — with a hefty payoff". News & Observer. 喺April 28, 2021搵到.
  7. "'Disaster Girl,' now 21, cashes in on NFT of her meme". WRIC-TV. April 27, 2021. 原著喺2021年10月29號歸檔. 喺April 28, 2021搵到 –透過Nexstar Media.