
東烏克蘭或者烏克蘭東部 (烏克蘭文Східна Україна俄文Восточная Украина) 係烏克蘭最東部嘅地方,最主要嘅定義係包括頓涅茨克州盧甘斯克州、同埋哈爾科夫州。有時亦都會包括埋周圍嘅地方,但係都一定係喺第聶伯河以東。


視乎定義,東烏克蘭包含咗大約國家 1/3 嘅人口,其中超過100萬人嘅城市係哈爾科夫同埋頓涅茨克。呢個地區因為受到蘇聯時期嘅工業化,所以大部分係高度城市化嘅地方。

政治 編輯



人口學 編輯



睇埋 編輯


  1. Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1990s: A Minority Faith by Andrew Wilson , 劍橋大學出版社, 1996, ISBN 0521574579 (page 128)
  2. Ivan Katchanovski. (2009). Terrorists or National Heroes? Politics of the OUN and the UPA in Ukraine Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, Montreal, June 1–3, 2010
  3. Communist and Post-Communist Parties in Europe by Uwe Backes and Patrick Moreau, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008, ISBN 978-3-525-36912-8 (page 396)
  4. Ukraine right-wing politics: is the genie out of the bottle?, openDemocracy.net (3 January 2011)
  5. Eight Reasons Why Ukraine's Party of Regions Will Win the 2012 Elections by Taras Kuzio, The Jamestown Foundation (17 October 2012)
    UKRAINE: Yushchenko needs Tymoshenko as ally again 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2013-05-15. by Taras Kuzio, Oxford Analytica (5 October 2007)
  6. Eternal Russia:Yeltsin, Gorbachev, and the Mirage of Democracy by Jonathan Steele, 哈佛大學出版社, 1988, ISBN 978-0-674-26837-1 (page 218)
  7. The language question, the results of recent research in 2012, Sociological group "RATING" (25 May 2012)
  8. "Poll: Over half of Ukrainians against granting official status to Russian language – Dec. 27, 2012". 27 December 2012.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Who's Afraid of Ukrainian History? by Timothy D. Snyder, The New York Review of Books (21 September 2010)
  10. (烏克蘭文) Ставлення населення України до постаті Йосипа Сталіна Attitude population Ukraine to the figure of Joseph Stalin, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (1 March 2013)