焦深(英文:Depth of Focus),又叫聚焦深度,係用嚟測量圖像平面嘅位置公差同鏡頭嘅關係。喺相機嚟講,焦深表示相機入面菲林位移嘅公差。有啲人會將「焦深」同「景深」(DOF)撈亂,其實景深係鏡頭前面可接受聚焦嘅區域,而焦深係指鏡頭後面嘅區域。


  • Hart, Douglas C. 1996. The Camera Assistant: A Complete Professional Handbook. Newton, MA: Focal Press. ISBN 0-240-80042-7
  • Hummel, Rob (editor). 2001. American Cinematographer Manual, 8th edition. Hollywood: ASC Press. ISBN 0-935578-15-3
  • Larmore, Lewis. 1965. Introduction to Photographic Principles. 2nd ed. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
  • Lipson, Stephen G., Ariel Lipson, and Henry Lipson. 2010. Optical Physics. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-49345-1 (scheduled release October 2010)
  • McLean, Ian S. (2008). Electronic Imaging in Astronomy: Detectors and Instrumentation (第2版). Chichester, UK: Praxis Publishing Ltd. ISBN 3-540-76582-4.
  • Ray, Sidney F. 2000. The geometry of image formation. In The Manual of Photography: Photographic and Digital Imaging, 9th ed. Ed. Ralph E. Jacobson, Sidney F. Ray, Geoffrey G. Atteridge, and Norman R. Axford. Oxford: Focal Press. ISBN 0-240-51574-9