熱圖(英文:heat map)係地圖嘅一種。一幅熱圖會有個相應嘅變數 ,並且用色水光度顯示嗰個變數喺地圖上每一忽幾高-For 地圖上每一點,嗰點嘅光度同嗰點嘅 數值成正比。
例:一幅顯示一隻網上遊戲入面啲玩家死亡次數嘅熱地圖,會顯示出遊戲地圖每一忽有幾多玩家喺嗰個位死過( 係「玩家喺嗰度死亡嘅次數」),愈多玩家死過嘅地點色水會愈淺,令睇嘅人一眼睇得出數據係點嘅樣[1]。
public struct HeatPoint // 每一個 heat point 都有 X、Y(兩個座標表示位置)同 intensity 三個數值。
public int X;
public int Y;
public byte Intensity;
public HeatPoint(int iX, int iY, byte bIntensity)
X = iX;
Y = iY;
Intensity = bIntensity;
private Bitmap CreateIntensityMask(Bitmap bSurface, List<HeatPoint> aHeatPoints)
Graphics DrawSurface = Graphics.FromImage(bSurface);
DrawSurface.Clear(Color.White); // 將背景設做白色
foreach (HeatPoint DataPoint in aHeatPoints) // Foreach heat point,畫一個點。
DrawHeatPoint(DrawSurface, DataPoint, 25); // DrawHeatPoint 呢個子程序大致上就係「按比例計出呢一點要有幾光」
return bSurface;
編輯- ↑ Wilkinson, Leland; Friendly, Michael (May 2009). "The History of the Cluster Heat Map". The American Statistician. 63 (2): 179–184.
- ↑ Creating Heat Maps with C# .NET.
- ↑ Canossa, A., Drachen, A., & Sørensen, J. R. M. (2011, June). Arrrgghh!!! blending quantitative and qualitative methods to detect player frustration. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on foundations of digital games (pp. 61-68).