王室情婦係一個非官方稱謂,歷史上用嚟指君主或其繼承人嘅婚外情人,負責提供一定服務,例如性關係或浪漫關係、[1] 陪伴或建言,以換取安全、頭銜、榮譽、同埋宮廷內重要地位。所以,一啲情婦因而獲得大量權力,成為宮庭幕後嘅力量。[2] 王室事實上流行以政治同埋家世考量而進行聯姻,令君主喺擇偶方面只有唔大嘅選擇空間。[3][4]

王室情婦呢個頭銜從來都唔係正式嘅,同埋大部份情婦都有正式原因而留喺宮庭入面,例如作為王室室女成員嘅女侍從或伴娘,或王室子弟嘅監護人。但係佢哋嘅真正地位通常係公開嘅秘密,[5] 同埋正式同非正式嘅政治權力之間,喺早期嘅法國宮庭係冇真正嘅分野[6] 從十五世紀以嚟,喺日漸強大嘅法國,首席情婦獲得一個非正式嘅頭銜「官方情婦」(法文:maîtresse-en-titre),連同獲得喺宮殿內嘅住宅。一個首席情婦有時會被叫做「公開嘅情婦」(法文:maîtresse déclarée)。一個未被認識,較低影響力嘅王室情人會被認為係「小情人」(法文:petite maîtresse)。[7]


  1. "The king's mistress - a royal tradition" (英國英文). 2005-04-27. 喺2022-05-20搵到.
  2. "In His Majesty's, Ahem, Service (washingtonpost.com)". www.washingtonpost.com. 喺2022-05-20搵到.
  3. "In His Majesty's, Ahem, Service (washingtonpost.com)". www.washingtonpost.com. 喺2022-05-20搵到.
  4. Little, Becky. "The Royal Mistress: Often the Most Powerful Person in a King's Court". HISTORY (英文). 喺2022-05-20搵到.
  5. Revolutions, Age of (2021-06-07). "The Rise and Fall of the French Royal Mistress". Age of Revolutions (英文). 喺2022-05-20搵到.
  6. Little, Becky. "The Royal Mistress: Often the Most Powerful Person in a King's Court". HISTORY (英文). 喺2022-05-20搵到.
  7. Revolutions, Age of (2021-06-07). "The Rise and Fall of the French Royal Mistress". Age of Revolutions (英文). 喺2022-05-20搵到.