玻璃電池glass battery)係固體電解質電池嘅一種,用「玻璃」做電解質,用呢啲金屬做電極[1][2][3][4][5]。呢款電池,由發明鋰離子電池(用鈷酸鋰同磷酸鐵鋰電極)嘅莊夠好(John B. Goodenough)、波爾圖大學副教授 Maria H. Braga [6] 同一個德州大學德州大學科確雷爾工程學院高級研究員[1][3],一齊研究得來。 有關電池嘅論文喺 2016 年 12 月喺《能源與環境科學》發表[7]魁北克電力公司研究緊生產電池嘅可能[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Lithium-Ion Battery Inventor Introduces New Technology for Fast-Charging, Noncombustible Batteries". University of Texas News. 28 February 2017. 喺22 March 2017搵到.
  2. Morris, David (6 March 2017). "Lithium-Ion Pioneer Introduces New Battery That's Three Times Better". Fortune. 喺23 March 2017搵到.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Conca, James (17 March 2017). "The Beguiling Promise Of John Goodenough's New Battery Technology". Forbes. Forbes. 喺21 March 2017搵到.
  4. LeVene, Steve (20 March 2017). "Has lithium-battery genius John Goodenough done it again? Colleagues are skeptical". Quartz. 喺21 March 2017搵到.
  5. Tirone, Johnathan (15 March 2017). "Google's Schmidt Flags Promise in New Goodenough Battery". Bloomberg News. Bloomberg. 喺21 March 2017搵到.
  6. "FEUP - Helena Braga".
  7. Braga, M.H.; Grundish, N.S.; Murchison, A.J.; Goodenough, J.B. (2016-12-09). "Alternative strategy for a safe rechargeable battery". Energy & Environmental Science. 10: 331–336. doi:10.1039/C6EE02888H.
  8. Anderson, Margo (24 February 2020). "Hydro-Québec to Commercialize Glass Battery Co-Developed by John Goodenough". IEEE Spectrum (英文). 喺2020-03-06搵到.