秘技cheat code)喺電子遊戲詞彙上指由製作組特登加入嘅隱藏碼,入咗會引致特定(通常令遊戲變易啲)嘅效果,例如有隻遊戲,個玩家入個密碼或者以某個特定次序撳掣,就令到玩家角色嘅血量提升 10 倍;製作組會加入噉嘅碼通常係貪得意,又或者可能想用嚟測試隻遊戲嗰陣用[1]


  1. Stevens, Reed; Tom Satwicz & Laurie McCarthy. "In-Game, In-Room, In-World: Reconnecting Video Game Play to the Rest of Kids' Lives.". In Katie Salen (ed.). The Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning, Pages. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008. pp. 41–46.