穴獅(Panthera leo spelaea),又叫歐洲獅、歐亞穴獅,係一個已絕種嘅獅子亞種,關於佢嘅資料只得古代壁畫同少量嘅化石。
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Panthera leo spelaea Goldfuss, 1810 |
編輯穴獅係其中一種最大隻嘅獅子。獅子公嘅剩餘部分喺1985年嘅德國畀人發現。肩高1.2米,唔連尾巴身長2.1米。形態同而家嘅獅子好相似。但嗰隻穴獅體型其實可以再大隻啲,所以佢應該比獅子大多5-33%,甚至比現存最大嘅貓科西伯利亞虎Panthera tigris altaica重要大。[1][2].
編輯穴獅個名嘅起源係因為佢嘅遺骸喺個窿裏面被發現。[3],佢適合住一啲寬敞嘅生境,亦可能住響松樹林同草地上[4], 化石腳印顯示,嗰一帶亦係馴鹿等大型食草動物嘅分布地,所以佢亦有可能同佢嘅獵物一樣,喺接近極地氣候嘅環境生存過。
編輯- Prehistoric cats and prehistoric cat-like creatures, from the Messybeast Cat Resource Archive.
- American lion, by C. R. Harrington, from Yukon Beringia Interpretative Center.
- The mammoth and the flood, volume 5, chapter 1, by Hans Krause.
- Hoyle and cavetigers, from the Dinosaur Mailing List. (Groiss)
- The Interaction of the European Cave Lion and Primitive Humans
- ↑ Lessem, D. 1999. Dinosaurs to dodos. An encyclopedia of extinct animals. Scholastic, New York. 122pp.
- ↑ W. v. Koenigswald: Lebendige Eiszeit. Theiss-Verlag, 2002. ISBN 3-8062-1734-3
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Arduini, P. & Teruzzi, G. 1993. The MacDonald encyclopedia of fossils. Little, Brown and Company, London. 320pp.
- ↑ Hublin, J.-J. 1984. The Hamlyn encyclopedia of prehistoric animals. Hamlyn, London. 318pp.