艾迪烈柏尼Eddie RedmayneOBE1982年1月6號[1]),佢係1998年出道嘅英國演員同模特兒。佢嘅全名係愛德華·約翰·大衛·「艾迪」·烈柏尼Edward John David "Eddie" Redmayne

姓名原文Eddie Redmayne
出生日1982年1月6號 喺Wikidata改呢個 (42歲)
出生地倫敦 喺Wikidata改呢個
本名Edward John David Redmayne
國籍英國 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
母校伊頓公學、Trinity College、Colet Court 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業電影演員、舞台劇演員、模特兒、電視演員、演員 喺Wikidata改呢個
風格莎士比亞喜劇 喺Wikidata改呢個
配偶Hannah Jane Bagshawe 喺Wikidata改呢個
仔女Iris May Redmayne、Luke Richard Bagshawe Redmayne 喺Wikidata改呢個
阿爸Richard Charles Tunstall Redmayne 喺Wikidata改呢個
阿媽Patricia Burke 喺Wikidata改呢個

烈柏尼喺2000年代早期開展佢嘅銀幕事業,開始果陣時佢參與電視劇同電影嘅演出,佢嘅第一個作品係2006年嘅電影《心智相投英文Like Minds》。烈柏尼喺2010年繼續喺劇院演出,喺百老匯大道嘅劇目《Red》裡面嘅演出最受注目,佢憑著呢齣戲劇攞到東尼獎中文東尼獎嘅「最佳劇場表現男配角」。烈柏尼後嚟喺占士·馬殊中文詹姆斯·马什執導嘅2014年傳記片《霍金:愛的方程式》裡面做史提芬·霍金嘅角色。佢嘅演出備受肯定,仲贏咗金球獎英國電影學院獎中文第68屆英國電影學院獎美國演員工會獎中文美國演員工會獎,同埋第87屆奧斯卡金像獎中文第87屆奧斯卡金像獎嘅最佳男主角。




1982年1月6號,艾迪·烈柏尼喺英國倫敦出世[3],佢阿爸係商人理察·查理斯·通斯托·烈柏尼Richard Charles Tunstall Redmayne,而阿媽係經營一間負責員工遷移服務公司嘅柏翠西亞·伯克Patricia Burke[4],艾迪·烈柏尼有5兄弟姊妹,佢有一個阿哥—詹姆士·烈柏尼英文James Redmayne同埋一個細佬,仲有個同父異母嘅阿哥——而家係出版商哈珀柯林斯中文哈珀柯林斯英國分會嘅行政總裁查理·烈柏尼Charlie Redmayne[5],仲有同父異母嘅家姐[6]。佢嘅太爺係20世紀初改善礦山安全嘅領導者—土木同採礦工程師李察·烈柏尼英文Richard Redmayne爵士[5],佢後嚟仲領導咗一項調查,調查咗對博姿中文博姿連鎖店嘅一項旨在減少每個禮拜工時實驗嘅調查,俾工人享有48個鐘嘅周末,結果發現工人更開心,健康狀況更加好,缺勤嘅可能性都更細[7],仲提倡更廣泛喺行業入面採用[8]。艾迪·烈柏尼有英格蘭愛爾蘭蘇格蘭威爾士嘅血統[9]

烈柏尼曾經喺伊頓學院英文The Eaton House Group of Schools讀書[10],跟住入咗去聖保羅少年隊英文St Paul's Juniors(前身叫做聖保羅小學Colet Court),後來佢攞到合唱獎學金同聖保羅合唱團一齊演唱[11],烈柏尼後嚟攞到音樂獎學金入去伊頓公學[11],同威廉王子同屆[12][13],佢亦都係演員湯·希度士頓低一屆嘅師弟[14][15]。烈柏尼從10歲起就喺積奇·帕默舞台學校Jackie Palmer Stage School度學興趣班[16][17],佢喺果度發現咗自己對表演同唱歌嘅熱愛[18][19]。烈柏尼繼續喺劍橋大學三一學院中文劍橋大學三一學院攻讀藝術史,專門攻讀威尼斯建築同埋超現實主義[20],仲喺2003年以二級榮譽嘅成績畢業[21]。佢攞到合唱團獎學金入去劍橋大學讀書[22]。佢嘅畢業論文係關於布朗庫西中文康斯坦丁·布朗庫西伊夫·祈因中文伊夫·克莱因[23],雖然佢係色盲,但係佢寫咗關於國際奇連藍中文國際奇連藍畢業論文,佢將呢樣嘢形容做高度情緒化,而佢總係可以能將呢樣嘢同其他分返開嚟[24]。烈柏尼喺劍橋大學果陣係劍橋大學彼特會英文University Pitt Club嘅成員[25]

  1. Discogs.
  2. "Queen's Birthday Honours: Van Morrison knighted". The Telegraph. 2015-06-12. 原著喺2020-11-28歸檔. 喺2015-06-13搵到. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  3. "Redmayne profile". Ftvdb.bfi.org.uk. 2009-04-16. 原著喺2012-10-22歸檔. 喺2011-01-02搵到. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  4. "Fast Eddie". Eddieredmayne.org. 原著喺2014-11-29歸檔. 喺2015-02-22搵到. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Eddie Redmayne Facts: 23 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About the 'Theory of Everything' Star". moviefone.com. 2014-11-21. 原著喺2015-11-21歸檔. 喺2016-02-22搵到. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  6. "Eddie Redmayne interview". 23 November 2009. 原先內容歸檔喺17 November 2014. 喺23 November 2014搵到.
  7. "How Workers Won the Weekend". tribunemag.co.uk (英國英文). 喺2023-08-28搵到.
  8. "Reduction of Working Hours in Industry". Nature (英文). 134 (3398): 927. 1934-12-01. Bibcode:1934Natur.134Q.927.. doi:10.1038/134927a0. ISSN 1476-4687. S2CID 4106021.
  9. "Eddie Redmayne". ethnicelebs.com. 2012-10-25. 原著喺2019-05-03歸檔. 喺2015-08-09搵到. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  10. [1] 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期23 February 2017..
  11. 11.0 11.1 Bray, Elisa (2023-01-28). "Eddie Redmayne: 'Cabaret was the greatest experience of my career. But it took a toll'". inews.co.uk (英文). 喺2023-08-22搵到.
  12. "Next Big Thing: Eddie Redmayne". GQ. 28 November 2011. 原著喺5 January 2013歸檔. 喺19 December 2012搵到.
  13. Ward, Victoria (23 February 2015). "Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne and his school friend Prince William". The Daily Telegraph. 原先內容歸檔喺23 January 2018. 喺5 April 2018搵到.
  14. "Next Big Thing: Eddie Redmayne". gq-magazine.co.uk. 2011-11-28. 原著喺2013-01-05歸檔. 喺2012-12-19搵到. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  15. Gysin, Christian; Kisiel, Ryan (2012-02-04). "Prince William with the Birdsong heart-throb and fellow Eton prefects... and some VERY wacky waistcoats". The Daily Mail. London. 原著喺2017-03-06歸檔. 喺2012-12-19搵到. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  16. "Jackie Palmer Stage School 'over the moon' for Oscar-winning former pupil Eddie Redmayne". Bucks Free Press. 23 February 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺4 December 2017. 喺4 December 2017搵到. Marylyn Phillips, Principal of Jackie Palmer Stage School, says that Eddie and his former classmates James Corden and Aaron Taylor Johnson all keep in touch with the school that helped them on the way to stardom.
  17. "Eddie Redmayne Goes Undercover on YouTube, Reddit and Twitter | GQ". Youthhhube. 原先內容歸檔喺13 February 2020. 喺13 February 2020搵到. [...]this is true so Jackie Palmer stage school is a place in High Wickham outside of London and I would go there at weekends and do sort of acting and singing. And James was there. He was a couple years older me and my memory of it is he was a brilliant street dancer and we became pals[...]
  18. "Jackie Palmer Stage School 'over the moon' for Oscar-winning former pupil Eddie Redmayne". Bucks Free Press. 23 February 2015. 原先內容歸檔喺4 December 2017. 喺4 December 2017搵到. Marylyn Phillips, Principal of Jackie Palmer Stage School, says that Eddie and his former classmates James Corden and Aaron Taylor Johnson all keep in touch with the school that helped them on the way to stardom.
  19. "Eddie Redmayne Goes Undercover on YouTube, Reddit and Twitter | GQ". Youthhhube. 原先內容歸檔喺13 February 2020. 喺13 February 2020搵到. [...]this is true so Jackie Palmer stage school is a place in High Wickham outside of London and I would go there at weekends and do sort of acting and singing. And James was there. He was a couple years older me and my memory of it is he was a brilliant street dancer and we became pals[...]
  20. Elvidge, Chris (18 December 2014). "A Brief History Of Mr Eddie Redmayne". Mr. Porter.
  21. Babb, Fran (19 November 2011). "Eddie Redmayne: the loneliness of being a hot young actor". The Guardian. London, UK. 原先內容歸檔喺19 October 2013. 喺15 January 2012搵到.
  22. "From Birdsong to Les Misérables, Eddie Redmayne is taking Hollywood by storm". Radio Times (英文). 喺2022-08-17搵到.
  23. "Eddie Redmayne on Kissing Etiquette and The Colorful Life of Acting". www.standardhotels.com (英文). 2014-10-28. 喺2023-08-27搵到.
  24. "The New Guard: Eddie Redmayne". W Magazine (英文). 2013-04-01. 喺2023-08-27搵到.
  25. Yorke, Harry (10 November 2017). "Cambridge University's Pitt Club votes to allow female members". The Telegraph (英國英文). ISSN 0307-1235. 原先內容歸檔喺31 January 2018. 喺18 April 2020搵到.