英國下議院(英文:House of Commons)係英國國會嘅主要議院(primary chamber)。同英國上議院一樣,都响西敏宮開會。英國下議院嘅官方全名係「the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled」。
編輯- May, Erskine. (1896). Constitutional History of England since the Accession of George the Third, 11th ed. London: Longmans, Green and Co.
- Mackenzie, K. R., "The English Parliament", (1950) Pelican Books.
- Pollard, Albert F. (1926). The Evolution of Parliament, 2nd ed. London: Longmans, Green and Co.
- Porritt, Edward, and Annie G. Porritt. (1903). The Unreformed House of Commons: Parliamentary Representation before 1832. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Raphael, D. D., Donald Limon, and W. R. McKay. (2004). Erskine May: Parliamentary Practice, 23rd ed. London: Butterworths Tolley.
編輯- 英國下議院嘅官方網站
- BBC:House of Commons from Democracy Live
- BBC:下議院簡介(英文)
- C-SPAN儲存嘅英國下議院議員資料