英國法侓(英文:Law of the United Kingdom),係講緊英國有4套法系。而每一套法系係根據佢嘅歷史原因而導致嘅地理位置去分,有英格蘭法律制度、北愛爾蘭法律制度、蘇格蘭法律制度同2007年創立嘅威爾士法律制度。但係威爾士法律制度本身就唔係一個獨立嘅司法系統,佢只係一個初級同二級由威爾斯議會產生出嚟嘅法侓。
編輯- ↑ "pdf file" (PDF). (64.6 KiB) "For the purposes of the English conflict of laws, every country in the world which is not part of England and Wales is a foreign country and its laws foreign. This means that not only totally foreign independent countries such as France or Russia... are foreign countries but also British Colonies such as the Falkland Islands. Moreover, the other parts of the United Kingdom – Scotland and Northern Ireland – are foreign countries for present purposes, as are the other British Islands, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey." Conflict of Laws, J. G. Collier, Fellow of Trinity Hall and lecturer in Law, University of Cambridge