街友(粵拼:gaai1 jau5)亦都叫流浪者、野宿族、遊民,係指一班因為某啲原因冇屋企返而要喺公園、天橋底、地下道同埋後樓梯呢啲地方睏覺嘅人。佢哋通常係靠喺城市度流浪、執垃圾、乞食或者做咕喱等等嚟賺錢同搵嘢食。

編輯- Homeless Statistics for Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States, all data from around the year 2001.
- PBS, "Home at Last?", NOW series program, first aired on 2 February 2007. The topic was what will most help homeless people reenter the fabric of society.
- 街友喺Curlie嘅資料
- Homelessness in Europe FEANTSA is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless is an umbrella of not-for-profit organizations which participate in or contribute to the fight against homelessness in Europe.
- Report Card on Child Homelessness by the American Institutes for Research. Summarized in Child homelessness on the rise in US (November 2014), Palm Beach Post
- Utah found a brilliantly effective solution for homelessness (February 2015), Natasha Bertrand, Business Insider