Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction

Linguistics: A Very Short IntroductionPeter Hugoe Matthews英文Peter Hugoe Matthews寫嘅一本語言學入門教科書

《Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction》
作者Peter Hugoe Matthews英文Peter Hugoe Matthews
系列Very Short Introductions
媒體類型Print (hardcover)

評價 編輯

漢諾威萊布尼茲大學Ute Römer:Matthews成功完成一個艱難嘅任務:將大量嘅內容壓縮並用容易睇嘅方法表達出嚟。[註 1][1] 中央密蘇里州立大學Cheryl Eason:我會建議一啲概念可以用語素或者句法嘅例子嚟講,而唔係音系,英文嘅音系例子有佢嘅限制,因為唔同地區嘅英文口音可以好唔同。[註 2][2]

睇埋 編輯

參考資料 編輯

  1. Römer, Ute (2005). "Review of Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction". Language. 81 (2): 541–541. ISSN 0097-8507.
  2. Eason, Cheryl (2005). "Review of LINGUISTICS: A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION". Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 27 (3): 490–491. ISSN 0272-2631.


  1. 原文:M(atthews) has performed the very difficult task of compressing a wealth of material and presenting it in a most accessible way.
  2. 原文:I would also suggest that a number of the ideas in the text be illustrated with examples from morphology or syntax rather than phonology. The phonological examples from English are limited in their effectiveness because English pronunciation differs so much from place to place.

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