注意:儲存之後,你可能要兜過你嘅瀏覽器快取至睇到更改。Internet Explorer: 撳住Ctrl掣再撳重新整理掣。 Firefox: 撳住Shift掣再撳重新載入(又或者撳Ctrl-Shift-R)。 Google Chrome同埋Safari用戶就噉撳個重載掣。

/* Protected pages have text area in light red, to prevent
   accidental editing by admins who didn't notice the header */
.mw-textarea-protected + .ui-resizable .ace_content,
.ns-8 textarea,
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/* The "return to Main page" link on [[Special:MovePage]] after
   deleting the target page makes no sense and is in the way. */
.page-Special_MovePage #mw-returnto {
  display: none;

/* Show hidden items that have class="sysop-show". */
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  display: block !important;
small.sysop-show {
  display: inline !important;
table.sysop-show {
  display: table !important;
li.sysop-show {
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