占美當勞臣英文Jimmy Donaldson1998年5月7號—),網名MrBeast,係美國YouTuber企業家慈善家[6]。佢被設定係開創咗YouTube用使錢買貴價嘢嚟做主題嘅先河[7]。佢亦都係Team Trees嘅創辦人同Arbor Day Foundation嘅籌款人,而Arbor Day Foundation已經籌到超過7200萬美金[8][9]。佢而家由達拉斯公司Night Media管理[10]

出世Jimmy Donaldson
(1998-05-07) 1998年5月7號(25歲)[1][2]
美國 美國干沙州[3]
居住地美國 美國北卡羅萊納州Greenville

MrBeast喺2012年頭,佢13歲嘅時候開始上載影片上YouTube[10],當時用「MrBeast6000」呢個名;初期佢嘅片有遊戲實況同「估計其他YouTuber嘅資產」[11]。2017年,佢因為一條「數數到10萬」(counting to 100,000)嘅片喺幾日之內有幾萬人睇而出名,令到佢之後都越來越出名,每條片都有幾千萬點擊[11]。喺之前呢段時間,佢嘅片包括有使幾千蚊美金嘅貴價挑戰、捐好多錢嘅挑戰、做困難嘅任務或者生存遊戲,同埋Vlog等等[12]。佢個頻道多人睇咗之後,佢就請返自己細個嗰時嘅朋友幫佢搞呢間公司,而家嘅MrBeast團隊有大約30人[13]

截至2021年4月,當勞臣嘅主頻道「MrBeast」有5910萬訂閱同100億點擊[14]。除咗佢嘅主頻道之外,當勞臣亦都有另外幾個頻道,包括MrBeast Shorts同MrBeast Gaming,其中MrBeast Gaming喺一年之內達到咗1000萬訂閱[15]。當勞臣六個頻道加埋總共有9321萬訂閱同131億點擊,而另外嗰個頻道就冇上載咗嘅片。


  1. MrBeast [@MrBeastYT] (2019-05-07). "I'm going give someone random who retweets this tweet $10,000 because it's my birthday and I feel like being nice (you have to be following me so I can dm you the code if you win)" (推文). 喺2020-01-24搵到 –透過Twitter.
  2. MrBeast [@MrBeastYT] (2019-04-16). "My 21st birthday is coming up and I can't wait to celebrate it in Las Vegas by gambling an unhealthy amount of money" (推文). 喺2020-01-24搵到 –透過Twitter.
  3. "20 Questions with MrBeast". YouTube. Honey Originals. 喺2020-07-06搵到.
  4. Donaldson, Jimmy (2016-07-08). "100,000 SUBSCRIBERS.EXE". YouTube. 喺2019-11-13搵到.
  5. "MrBeast's YouTube stats". Social Blade. 原先內容歸檔喺2019-11-13. 喺2019-11-13搵到.
  6. Leskin, Paige (2019-12-12). "21-year-old YouTuber MrBeast was one of the most-viewed YouTube creators in 2019 — check out how he got his start and found success with elaborate stunts and giveaways". Business Insider. 喺2020-01-24搵到.
  7. Alexander, Julia (2019-10-25). "MrBeast changed YouTube and launched an entire genre of expensive stunt content". The Verge. 原先內容歸檔喺2019-12-18. 喺2020-03-14搵到.
  8. "Help Us Plant 20 Million Trees - Join #TeamTrees". teamtrees.org (英文). 喺2020-05-17搵到.
  9. Leskin, Paige (2019-12-19). "YouTuber MrBeast's tree-planting campaign reached its goal of raising $20 million. Here's the list of prominent people who have donated, including Elon Musk, Jeffree Star, and even the CEO of YouTube". Business Insider. 原先內容歸檔喺2020-02-09. 喺2020-05-08搵到.
  10. 10.0 10.1 "Night Media Signs Top Influencer, "MrBeast"". Business Wire. 2019-01-23. 原先內容歸檔喺2019-05-26. 喺2019-05-26搵到.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Asarch, Steven (2019-04-02). "How YouTuber MrBeast Pulled Off a Real-life Battle Royale in three Weeks". Newsweek. 原先內容歸檔喺2019-11-09. 喺2019-05-26搵到.
  12. Harris, Paige Leskin, Margot. "How 22-year-old YouTube star MrBeast found success through elaborate stunts and giveaways". Business Insider. 喺2021-01-05搵到.
  13. "YouTuber MrBeast Reached 30 Million Subscribers With a Little Help From His Friends". Distractify (英文). 喺2021-01-05搵到.
  14. Conrad, Marissa (2021-02-25). "You've Heard of Ghost Kitchens. Meet the Ghost Franchises". The New York Times. 喺2021-03-09搵到.
  15. "MrBeast Just Launched A Gaming Channel. Now He's Looking To Hire An Editor". Tubefilter. 喺2021-01-05搵到.