Pom Alexandra Klementieff發音:[pɔm klemɑ̃tjɛf][1])係法國女演員。[2][3]

Pom Klementieff
姓名原文Pom Klementieff
出生日1986年5月3號、1986年 喺Wikidata改呢個 (38歲)
出生地魁北克市 喺Wikidata改呢個
國籍法國 喺Wikidata改呢個
母語法文 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言法文 喺Wikidata改呢個
母校Cours Florent 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業演員模特兒 喺Wikidata改呢個

Klementieff 喺加拿大魁北克市出世。佢阿媽 Yu Ri Park 係韓裔,阿爸 Alexis Klementieff 係俄裔法國外交官,[4]駐喺當地。[5]佢阿爺係俄國畫家 Eugene Klementieff。



  1. "Stan Lee's Alliances : L'éclair du génie - Backstage avec Pom Klementieff". Audible. 10 October 2019. 喺4 August 2022搵到.
  2. "The May 7 Edition". The Sydney Morning Herald (英文). 2023-05-07. 喺2023-08-25搵到.
  3. Idato, Michael (2023-05-06). "How Pom Klementieff went from struggling Hollywood actor to Marvel movie star". The Sydney Morning Herald (英文). 喺2023-08-25搵到.
  4. "Alexis Klementieff". Canada Gazette.第119卷第41號. 12 October 1985. p. 6445.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Han, Steve (November 2013). "Korean French Actress Pom Klementieff Makes US Debut in 'Oldboy' Remake". KoreAm. 原著喺2014年7月14號歸檔. 喺5 July 2014搵到. So I told [filmmaker Spike Lee], my father died when I was 5. My mother, she is schizophrenic, so she couldn’t take care of me and my brother, who died by suicide a few months before the audition [for Lee's remake of Oldboy].Han, Steve (November 2013). . KoreAm. Archived from the original 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2014年7月14號,. on 14 July 2014. Retrieved 5 July 2014. So I told [filmmaker Spike Lee], my father died when I was 5. My mother, she is schizophrenic, so she couldn't take care of me and my brother, who died by suicide a few months before the audition [for Lee's remake of Oldboy].