Tabula rasa,即係拉丁文入面「空白嘅板」噉解,係廿世紀前相當受歡迎嘅一種觀點,主張心靈喺一出世嗰時係一片空白嘅-就好似一塊空白嘅板噉,個人跟住落嚟喺智能心理特性上嘅發育完全由後天環境嘅因素(例如教育呀噉)主宰。


當中比較出名嘅有 19 世紀尾至廿世紀初嘅行為論心理學家莊·B·華生(John B. Watson)-華生佢曾經噉樣講過[1]

原版英文:"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors."

粵文翻譯:俾一打健康嘅 BB 仔我,佢哋發育冇問題,再俾一個由我指定嘅世界嚟(喺呢個世界裏面)湊大佢哋,我保證我可以隨機是但攞一個 BB 仔,再將佢訓練做任何一個由我揀嘅專業醫生律師藝術家商人首領都得,甚至(仲可以訓練佢做)乞衣賊仔都得,無論佢嘅天份、喜好、傾向、能力、職業或者祖先嘅種族係乜都好。

呢種諗法引起咗廿世紀心理學界先天定後天(nature versus nurture)爭詏。


  1. Watson, John B. (1930). Behaviorism. p. 82.