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"Brain - A journal of Neurology", (QP 351) Vol. IV, (April 1881 - Jan. 1882) p.367 (On mirror-writing and its relation to left-handedness and cerebral disease, by William H. Ireland, Stirling):

The best known example of a change from right-handed to left-handed writing, Dr. Erlenmeyer tells us, is that of the MS. of the 'Codex Atlanticus' of Leonardo da Vinci, in the Ambrose Library at Milan. ...... There is a diary in the National Library at Naples, of priest Antonio de Beatis, who in 1517 travelled in the train of the Cardinal of Arragon, through Germany, the Netherlands, and France. The Cardinal visited Leondardo da Vinci,who passed the last years of his life in the neighbourhood of Amboise, in a villa given to him by Francis I. De Beatis remarks of the famous artist, in his journal, "that nothing more of value could be expected of him, as he had paralysis of the right hand." It would appear from this that Leonardo da Vinci, being unable to use his right hand, wrote with his left, and fell into the practice of writing from right to left, in obedience to a tendency which we have sought to illustrate.

* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年八月三號(星期五)格林尼治 15時34分54秒。

對外連結有變 (2024年10月)



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