Template:Wikidata image/doc
呢頁係Template:Wikidata image嘅說明文件(子頁)。 呢度包含咗用法資料、分類同埋其他唔屬於個模本身嘅內容。 |
呢個模用咗喺1,000+文。 為咗避免大規模嘅混亂同冇必要嘅伺服器負載,任何修改應該先喺佢嘅/sandbox 或 /testcases 子頁,或者喺你自己嘅用戶頁測試。然後測試過嘅修改可以一次過加入呢度。請喺討論區討論吓先修改呢度。 |
Template:Wikidata image may be added to infobox templates to implement tracking of articles using the infobox which might be improved by adding an image. When an article uses the infobox without an image, but the article's Wikidata has an image name, the article is added to a hidden tracking categories (維基數據有相關嘅相而呢度未有). Once an image is added to the infobox, the article is removed from the category. The template also allows excluding individual articles from the category without adding an image.
編輯Add the following to a template (if necessary, change "image" to whatever parameter name that template uses to display an image):
<includeonly>{{Wikidata image |1={{{image|}}} }}</includeonly>
To allow individual articles using the template to be excluded from the tracking category, add the following instead:
<includeonly>{{Wikidata image |1={{{image|}}} |2={{{nocat_wdimage|}}} }}</includeonly>
編輯This template accepts two unnamed parameters:
- (required) If no value is assigned, adds the tracking category. This should be the parameter name used by the infobox to display an image, usually
. - (optional) If any value is assigned, does not add the tracking category. This should be a parameter name used by the infobox to exclude an individual article from the category, usually
編輯- Category:維基數據有相關嘅相而呢度未有 (158)
- Category:維基數據有相關嘅相而呢度未有 (158)
Infoboxes using this template