bc CFT

b-c 共形場論(bc CFT[1] (或 b-c system) 係種簡單嘅共形場論模型,由兩隻反交換嘅自由 bc 組成。渠會出現喺 量子化Polyakov 弦gauge fixing 度出現,做Faddev-Popov 鬼( en:Faddeev-Popov ghost)[2]

Let .

conformal weight

, where is the parameter
central charge
ghost number current
j = -:bc:
energy-momentum tensor
equations of motion


  • When , and the theory can be split conformally invariantly into and , where
     ; ......
  • 同埋 ,咁渠就描述Faddeev-Popov 鬼 [3]


  1. Polchinski, p.50, etc
  2. Polchinski, p.51
  3. Polchinski, p.51

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