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 * Internationalisation file for BoardVote extension.
 * @package MediaWiki
 * @subpackage Extensions

$wgBoardVoteMessages = array();

$wgBoardVoteMessages['en'] = array(
	'boardvote'               => "Wikimedia Board of Trustees election",
	'boardvote_entry'         => "* [[Special:Boardvote/vote|Vote]]
* [[Special:Boardvote/list|List votes to date]]
* [[Special:Boardvote/dump|Dump encrypted election record]]",
	'boardvote_intro'         => "
<p>Welcome to the second elections for the Wikimedia Board of Trustees. We are
voting for two people to represent the community of users on the various
Wikimedia projects. They will help to determine the future direction
that the Wikimedia projects will take, individually and as a group, and
represent <em>your</em> interests and concerns to the Board of Trustees. They will
decide on ways to generate income and the allocation of moneys raised.</p>

<p>Please read the candidates' statements and responses to queries carefully
before voting. Each of the candidates is a respected user, who has contributed
considerable time and effort to making these projects a welcoming environment
committed to the pursuit and free distribution of human knowledge.</p>

<p>You may vote for as many candidates as you want. The
candidate with the most votes in each position will be declared the winner of that
position. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held.</p>

<p>For more information, see:</p>
<ul><li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\">Election FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\">Candidates</a></li></ul>
	'boardvote_intro_change'  => "<p>You have voted before. However you may change
your vote using the form below. Please check the boxes next to each candidate whom
you approve of.</p>",
	'boardvote_footer'        => " ", # Don't translate this
	'boardvote_entered'       => "Thank you, your vote has been recorded.

If you wish, you may record the following details. Your voting record is:


It has been encrypted with the public key of the Election Administrators:


The resulting encrypted version follows. It will be displayed publicly on Special:Boardvote/dump.


Back", 'boardvote_notloggedin' => "You are not logged in. To vote, you must use an account with at least $1 contributions before $2, and with a first edit before $3.", 'boardvote_notqualified' => "You are not qualified to vote in this election. You need to have made $3 edits before $2, you have made $1. Also, your first edit was at $4, it needs to be before $5. ", 'boardvote_novotes' => "Nobody has voted yet.", 'boardvote_time' => "Time", 'boardvote_user' => "User", 'boardvote_edits' => "Edits", 'boardvote_days' => "Days", 'boardvote_ip' => "IP", 'boardvote_ua' => "User agent",

'boardvote_listintro' => "

This is a list of all votes which have been recorded to date. $1 for the encrypted data.


'boardvote_dumplink' => "Click here", 'boardvote_submit' => 'OK', 'boardvote_strike' => "Strike", 'boardvote_unstrike' => "Unstrike", 'boardvote_needadmin' => "Only election administrators can perform this operation.", 'boardvote_sitenotice' => "<a href=\"/wiki/Special:Boardvote/vote\">Wikimedia Board Elections</a>: Vote open until July 12", 'boardvote_notstarted' => 'Voting has not yet started', 'boardvote_closed' => 'Voting is now closed, see the elections page for results soon.', 'boardvote_edits_many' => 'many', 'group-boardvote' => 'Board vote admins', 'group-boardvote-member' => 'Board vote admin', 'grouppage-boardvote' => 'Wikipedia:Board vote admin', );

$wgBoardVoteMessages['zh-yue'] = array( 'boardvote' => "Wikimedia理事委員會選舉", 'boardvote_entry' => "* 投票

'boardvote_intro' => "






'boardvote_intro_change' => "

你已經投咗票。 但係你可以利用下面嘅表格去改你嘅投票。請響每一位心目中嘅候選人打剔。


'boardvote_entered' => "多謝,你嘅投票已經被記錄落嚟。







返去", 'boardvote_notloggedin' => "你仲未登入。要投票,你一定要用一個響$2之前最少有$1次貢獻,而且響$3之前作第一次編輯嘅戶口。", 'boardvote_notqualified' => "你仲未有資格響呢次選舉度投票。你需要用響$2之前最少有$1次編輯,你而家有$1次編輯。而且,你嘅第一次編輯響$4,佢係需要響$5之前。", 'boardvote_novotes' => "仲未有人投票。", 'boardvote_time' => "時間", 'boardvote_user' => "用戶", 'boardvote_edits' => "編輯數", 'boardvote_days' => "日", 'boardvote_ip' => "IP", 'boardvote_ua' => "用戶代理",

'boardvote_listintro' => "

嘅個係到而家所被記錄落嚟嘅全部票數嘅名單。 $1去睇加密嘅資料。


'boardvote_dumplink' => "撳呢度", 'boardvote_submit' => 'OK', 'boardvote_strike' => "刪除綫", 'boardvote_unstrike' => "取消刪除綫", 'boardvote_needadmin' => "只有選舉管理員可以執行呢一個操作。", 'boardvote_sitenotice' => "<a href=\"/wiki/Special:Boardvote/vote\">Wikimedia理事委員會選舉</a>:投票開放到9月20日", 'boardvote_notstarted' => '投票仲未開始', 'boardvote_closed' => '投票已經結束咗,請響之後睇吓選舉頁嘅結果。', 'boardvote_edits_many' => '好多', 'group-boardvote' => '理事會投票管理員', 'group-boardvote-member' => '理事會投票管理員', 'grouppage-boardvote' => 'Wikipedia:理事會投票管理員', ); ?>