

  1. 位於 <pre> 同 </pre> 之外嘅文字會被忽略。
  2. 請以英文版嘅原始碼翻譯,以確保翻譯無誤。
  3. 建議對一小部份嘅原始碼作出修改,以確保原始碼嘅語法正確無誤。
  4. 擴展部件信息只會節錄英文同粵語部份,其它嘅語言將唔會列示。
  5. 根據MediaWiki軟件嘅讀我檔案,除非有特別嘅指明,否則以下所有嘅文字都會以GPL v2 或以上版本發佈。

 * Internationalization file for DynamicPageList2 extension.
 * @package MediaWiki
 * @subpackage Extensions
 * @author m:User:Dangerman <>

$wgDPL2Messages = array();

 * To translate messages into your language, create a $wgDPL2Messages['lang'] array where 'lang' is your language code and take $wgDPL2Messages['en'] as a model. Replace values with appropriate translations.

$wgDPL2Messages['en'] = array(
	 * $0: 'namespace' or 'notnamespace'
	 * $1: wrong parameter given by user
	 * $3: list of possible titles of namespaces (except pseudo-namespaces: Media, Special)
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_WRONGNS => "ERROR: Wrong '$0' parameter: '$1'! Help:  <code>$0= <i>empty string</i> (Main)$3</code>.",
	 * $0: max number of categories that can be included
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_TOOMANYCATS => 'ERROR: Too many categories! Maximum: $0. Help: increase <code>$wgDPL2MaxCategoryCount</code> to specify more categories or set <code>$wgDPL2AllowUnlimitedCategories=true</code> for no limitation. (Set the variable in <code>LocalSettings.php</code>, after including <code>DynamicPageList2.php</code>.)',
	 * $0: min number of categories that have to be included
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_TOOFEWCATS => 'ERROR: Too few categories! Minimum: $0. Help: decrease <code>$wgDPL2MinCategoryCount</code> to specify fewer categories. (Set the variable preferably in <code>LocalSettings.php</code>, after including <code>DynamicPageList2.php</code>.)',
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_CATDATEBUTNOINCLUDEDCATS => "ERROR: You need to include at least one category if you want to use 'addfirstcategorydate=true' or 'ordermethod=categoryadd'!",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_CATDATEBUTMORETHAN1CAT => "ERROR: If you include more than one category, you cannot use 'addfirstcategorydate=true' or 'ordermethod=categoryadd'!",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_MORETHAN1TYPEOFDATE => 'ERROR: You cannot add more than one type of date at a time!',
	 * $0: param=val that is possible only with $1 as last 'ordermethod' parameter
	 * $1: last 'ordermethod' parameter required for $0
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_WRONGORDERMETHOD => "ERROR: You can use '$0' with 'ordermethod=[...,]$1' only!",
	 * $0: unknown parameter given by user
	 * $1: list of DPL2 available parameters separated by ', '
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM => "WARNING: Unknown parameter '$0' is ignored. Help: available parameters: <code>$1</code>.",
	 * $3: list of valid param values separated by ' | '
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_WRONGPARAM => "WARNING: Wrong '$0' parameter: '$1'! Using default: '$2'. Help: <code>$0= $3</code>.",
	 * $0: param name
	 * $1: wrong param value given by user
	 * $2: default param value used instead by program
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_WRONGPARAM_INT => "WARNING: Wrong '$0' parameter: '$1'! Using default: '$2' (no limit). Help: <code>$0= <i>empty string</i> (no limit) | n</code>, with <code>n</code> a positive integer.",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_NORESULTS => 'WARNING: No results!',
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_NOINCLUDEDCATSORNS => "WARNING: It is strongly recommended to either limit the number of results with the 'count' parameter or include at least one category / namespace. If not, the generation of the page list can be quite resource and time-consuming.",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_CATOUTPUTBUTWRONGPARAMS => "WARNING: Add* parameters ('adduser', 'addeditdate', etc.)' have no effect with 'mode=category'. Only the page namespace/title can be viewed in this mode.",
	 * $0: 'headingmode' value given by user
	 * $1: value used instead by program (which means no heading)
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_HEADINGBUTSIMPLEORDERMETHOD => "WARNING: 'headingmode=$0' has no effect with 'ordermethod' on a single component. Using: '$1'. Help: you can use not-$1 'headingmode' values with 'ordermethod' on multiple components. The first component is used for headings. E.g. 'ordermethod=category,<i>comp</i>' (<i>comp</i> is another component) for category headings.",
	 * $0: 'debug' value
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_DEBUGPARAMNOTFIRST => "WARNING: 'debug=$0' is not in first position in the DPL element. The new debug settings are not applied before all previous parameters have been parsed and checked.",

	 * $0: SQL query executed to generate the dynamic page list
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_QUERY => 'QUERY: <code>$0</code>',

	   Output formatting
	 * $1: number of articles
	'dpl2_articlecount' => 'There {{PLURAL:$1|is one article|are $1 articles}} in this heading.'
$wgDPL2Messages['zh-yue'] = array(
	 * $0: 'namespace' or 'notnamespace'
	 * $1: wrong parameter given by user
	 * $3: list of possible titles of namespaces (except pseudo-namespaces: Media, Special)
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_WRONGNS => "錯誤: 錯嘅 '$0' 參數: '$1'! 幫助:  <code>$0= <i>空字串</i> (主)$3</code>。",
	 * $0: max number of categories that can be included
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_TOOMANYCATS => '錯誤: 太多分類! 最大值: $0。 幫助: 增加 <code>$wgDPL2MaxCategoryCount</code> 嘅值去指定更多嘅分類或者設定 <code>$wgDPL2AllowUnlimitedCategories=true</code> 以解除限制。 (當加上 <code>DynamicPageList2.php</code>之後,響<code>LocalSettings.php</code>度設定變數。)',
	 * $0: min number of categories that have to be included
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_TOOFEWCATS => '錯誤: 太少分類! 最小值: $0. 幫助: 減少 <code>$wgDPL2MinCategoryCount</code> 嘅值去指定更少嘅分類。 (當加上 <code>DynamicPageList2.php</code>之後,響<code>LocalSettings.php</code>度設定一個合適嘅變數。)',
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_CATDATEBUTNOINCLUDEDCATS => "錯誤: 如果你想去用 'addfirstcategorydate=true' 或者 'ordermethod=categoryadd' ,你需要包含最少一個分類!",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_CATDATEBUTMORETHAN1CAT => "錯誤: 如果你包含多過一個分類,你唔可以用 'addfirstcategorydate=true' 或者 'ordermethod=categoryadd'!",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_MORETHAN1TYPEOFDATE => '錯誤: 你唔可以響一個時間度加入多個一種嘅日期!',
	 * $0: param=val that is possible only with $1 as last 'ordermethod' parameter
	 * $1: last 'ordermethod' parameter required for $0
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_ERR_WRONGORDERMETHOD => "錯誤: 你只可以用 'ordermethod=[...,]$1' 響 '$0' 上!",
	 * $0: unknown parameter given by user
	 * $1: list of DPL2 available parameters separated by ', '
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM => "警告: 不明嘅參數 '$0' 被忽略。 幫助: 可用嘅參數: <code>$1</code>。",
	 * $3: list of valid param values separated by ' | '
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_WRONGPARAM => "警告: 錯誤嘅 '$0' 參數: '$1'! 用緊預設嘅: '$2'。 幫助: <code>$0= $3</code>。",
	 * $0: param name
	 * $1: wrong param value given by user
	 * $2: default param value used instead by program
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_WRONGPARAM_INT => "警告: 錯誤嘅 '$0' 參數: '$1'! 用緊預設嘅: '$2' (冇上限)。 幫助: <code>$0= <i>空字串</i> (冇上限) | n</code>, <code>n</code>係一個正整數。",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_NORESULTS => '警告: 無結果!',
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_NOINCLUDEDCATSORNS => "警告: 強烈建議,一係就利用 'count' 參數去設定結果上限,或者包含最少一個分類/空間名。唔係嘅話,整個頁表會嘥好多資源同時間。",
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_CATOUTPUTBUTWRONGPARAMS => "警告: 加入* 參數 ('adduser', 'addeditdate', 等)' 係對 'mode=category' 冇作用嘅。只有頁空間名/標題至可以響呢個模式度睇到。",
	 * $0: 'headingmode' value given by user
	 * $1: value used instead by program (which means no heading)
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_HEADINGBUTSIMPLEORDERMETHOD => "警告: 響單一部件中, 'ordermethod' 度用 'headingmode=$0' 係冇作用嘅。 用緊: '$1'。 幫助: 你可以用非$1 'headingmode' 數值,響多個部件中用 'ordermethod' 。第一個部件係用嚟做標題。例如響分類標題度用 'ordermethod=category,<i>comp</i>' (<i>comp</i>係另外一個部件) 。",
	 * $0: 'debug' value
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_WARN_DEBUGPARAMNOTFIRST => "警告: 'debug=$0' 唔係第一個響DPL元素嘅第一位。新嘅除錯設定響所有參數都能夠處理同檢查之前都唔會應用。",

	 * $0: SQL query executed to generate the dynamic page list
	'dpl2_debug_' . DPL2_QUERY => '查訽: <code>$0</code>',

	   Output formatting
	 * $1: number of articles
	'dpl2_articlecount' => '響呢個標題度有$1篇文。'
