<?php /** * Internationalisation file for ExpandTemplates extension. * * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage Extensions */ $wgExpandTemplatesMessages = array(); $wgExpandTemplatesMessages['en'] = array( 'expandtemplates' => 'Expand templates', 'expand_templates_intro' => 'This special page takes some text and expands all templates in it recursively. It also expands parser functions like {{#if:...}}, and variables like {{CURRENTDAY}}—in fact pretty much everything in double-braces. It does this by calling the relevant parser stage from MediaWiki itself.', 'expand_templates_title' => 'Context title, for {{PAGENAME}} etc.:', 'expand_templates_input' => 'Input text:', 'expand_templates_output' => 'Result:', 'expand_templates_ok' => 'OK', 'expand_templates_remove_comments' => 'Remove comments', ); $wgExpandTemplatesMessages['zh-yue'] = array( 'expandtemplates' => '展開模', 'expand_templates_intro' => '呢個特別頁係用於將一啲文字中嘅模展開,包括響個模度引用嘅模。同時亦都展開解譯器函數好似{{#if:...}},以及一啲變數好似{{CURRENTDAY}}—實際上,幾乎所有響雙括弧中嘅內容都會被展開。呢個特別頁係通過使用MediaWiki嘅相關解釋階段嘅功能完成嘅。', 'expand_templates_title' => '內容標題,用於 {{PAGENAME}} 等頁面:', 'expand_templates_input' => '輸入文字:', 'expand_templates_output' => '結果:', 'expand_templates_ok' => 'OK', 'expand_templates_remove_comments' => '拎走注釋', ); ?>