Wikipedia talk:當年今日/10月6號

Latest comment: 17 年前 by WikiCantona
  • 刺殺係一定死。有人講「刺殺唔成功」。要講埋死唔死。
  • 閱兵禮 同 閱兵 大致一樣,閱兵禮 = formal location, 閱兵 can be in the war front...

--WikiCantona 2007年10月6號 (六) 13:56 (UTC)回覆

  • 「殺」只有一個意思。唔成功嘅叫「行刺」。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月六號(星期六)格林尼治 15點39分35秒。
  • 刺殺 = 刺 + 殺 = 行刺 + 殺死. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月六號(星期六)格林尼治 23點49分18秒。
  • Without stating otherwise,殺=殺死. 自殺=committed suicide; attempted suicide=自殺未遂.* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月六號(星期六)格林尼治 23點54分22秒。
  • no, disagree. Chinese are more flexible than English. 『佢自殺,好彩死唔去』,『佢話去殺人』,『佢話要殺死你』。context. my friend. 殺死 in this context does not imply any death yet. Second, 名詞。--WikiCantona 2007年10月7號 (日) 00:12 (UTC)回覆
  • I believe that you are wrong. Strictly speaking, attempt to kill is not 殺. However, let us stop here and look for references. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月七號(星期日)格林尼治 00點05分20秒。
  • 『佢自殺,好彩死唔去』 - this is colloquial, but wrong. As I already said, 自殺=committed suicide; attempted suicide=自殺未遂.* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月七號(星期日)格林尼治 00點13分11秒。
  • there is no problem in 『佢話去殺人』,『佢話要殺死你』. - to go to kill or to want to kill are certainly different from to kill* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月七號(星期日)格林尼治 00點14分41秒。
  • This is a wrong attitude. A reference work is of no good if it fails in accuracy. We cannot produce ambiguities and expect the reader to understand it by himself. This expectation is itself a specific point of view, and it may not be always fulfilled. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月七號(星期日)格林尼治 00點22分06秒。
  • "Accuracy" is relevant to content. Text description is to understanding for reader. Two different things, my friend. Don't make things up. I sure you are a realist, believe in truth. Sure, I believe in truth to some degree, but okay with relativist practices. --WikiCantona 2007年10月7號 (日) 00:29 (UTC)回覆
  • Funny, you seems to argue for 「刺殺,死咗」,Because I afriad of 刺殺 being understood as unsuccessful 行刺, I repeat myself somewhat. Unambiguousity are we both go for, but different ways... --WikiCantona 2007年10月7號 (日) 00:45 (UTC)回覆
  • No. 刺殺 = 行刺+死咗。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月七號(星期日)格林尼治 00點52分32秒。
  • "Seems", not "Are". :-) :-) :-) , let me repeat myself again too. 名詞 does not imply the status for things (result of act itself), but describes the act itself. Hence, we cannot say 刺殺 = 行刺+死咗 when it used as noun (but I believe it never use as noun). Rest my case again. Good day --WikiCantona 2007年10月7號 (日) 01:02 (UTC)回覆
  • 殺, 自殺 are legal terms. I am not a lawyer, but we can be sure that they are clearly defined.* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十月七號(星期日)格林尼治 00點20分26秒。
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