國民保健服務(英文:National Health Service,縮寫:NHS)係英國境內各個公營醫療服務嘅名,亦係佢哋嘅統稱,包括英格蘭NHS、NHS蘇格蘭、 NHS威爾士同附屬嘅Health and Social Care (HSC) in Northern Ireland。全部都係1948年一齊成立嘅,係第二次世界大戰後其中一項重大社會改革。NHS創立基本原則係喺服務點提供全面、全民享受同免費嘅醫療服務。[1]各個NHS都喺服務點提供一系列全面同免費嘅醫療服務畀通常居住喺英國嘅人,除咗牙科同視力矯正。[2](英格蘭NHS仲要病人畀藥物處方費,不過有一系列豁免。)
Current issues
編輯- ↑ Choices, NHS. "The principles and values of the NHS in England". www.nhs.uk. 喺2016-11-23搵到.
- ↑ "NHS entitlements: migrant health guide – Detailed guidance". UK Government. 喺6 June 2016搵到.
- ↑ Thomas-Symonds, Nick (3 July 2018). "70 years of the NHS: How Aneurin Bevan created our beloved health service". The Independent. 喺5 July 2018搵到.
- ↑ "Health spending". 原著喺2017年10月11號歸檔. 喺2018年10月16號搵到.
編輯- NHS Choices official website for England's NHS
- Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland official website for Health & Personal Social Services in Northern Ireland
- NHS Scotland official website for NHS Scotland
- Health in Wales official website for NHS Wales
- Birth of the national Health Service archive collection of programmes and documents