Aneurin Bevan/əˈnrɪn ˈbɛvən/發音:[aˈnəɨ.rɪn]1897年11月15號1960年7月6號),又叫 Nye Bevan,係英國工黨國會議員威爾斯人,喺1945至1951年做過衛生大臣。佢一生爭取社會正義、工人權益同民主社會主義[1]。佢做咗好長時間國會議員,代表南威爾士嘅Ebbw Vale選區31年。佢最出名嘅成就係佢喺衛生大臣任內主持成立國民保健服務(NHS),為所有英國人免費提供必需嘅醫療服務,無分貧富。當時工黨內嘅左派俾人叫做「Bevanite」,但唔係佢話事。

Aneurin Bevan
姓名原文Aneurin Bevan
出生日1897年11月15號 喺Wikidata改呢個
出生地Tredegar 喺Wikidata改呢個
死亡日1960年7月6號 喺Wikidata改呢個 (62歲)
死亡地Asheridge Farmhouse 喺Wikidata改呢個
死因胃癌 喺Wikidata改呢個
國籍英國大不列顛愛爾蘭聯合王國威爾斯 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
信奉無神論 喺Wikidata改呢個
母校Central Labour College 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業政治人、trade unionist 喺Wikidata改呢個
政黨工黨 喺Wikidata改呢個
配偶Jennie Lee, Baroness Lee of Asheridge 喺Wikidata改呢個




  1. Duncan Hall. A2 Government and Politics: Ideologies and Ideologies in Action. Peel Island Productions. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-4477-3399-7 –透過Google Books.


  • Lee, Jennie (1980). My Life with Nye. London: Jonathan Cape. ISBN 978-0-224-01785-5.
  • Campbell, John (1987). "Demythologising Nye Bevan". History Today. 37 (4): 13–18. ISSN 0018-2753.
  • Foot, Michael. Aneurin Bevan: 1897-1945 (vol 1, 1962), a standard detailed biography by a supporter
    • Foot, Michael. Aneurin Bevan: 1945-1960. (vol 2, 1979)
  • Hennessy, Peter. Never Again: Britain 1945-1951 (Penguin UK, 2006).
  • Jenkins, Mark. Bevanism - Labour's High Tide. The Cold War and the Democratic Mass Movement (1979).
  • Morgan, Kenneth O. Labour People (Oxford University Press, 1987), pp 204–19
  • Morgan, Kenneth O. "Aneurin Bevan" in Kevin Jefferys, ed., Labour Forces: From Ernie Bevin to Gordon Brown (2002) pp 81–103.
  • Rosen, Greg (ed.), Dictionary of Labour Biography, (Politicos Publishing, 2001).
  • Smith, Dai. "Bevan, Aneurin (1897–1960)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, January 2011 [1].
  • Smith, Dai, ed. Aneurin Bevan & the World of South Wales (1993), 359pp; 12 essays by experts.
  • Thomas-Symonds, Nicklaus. Nye: The Political Life of Aneurin Bevan (IB Tauris, 2014). excerpt; bibliography pp 295–301.


  • Laugharne, Peter J. (ed.), Aneurin Bevan – A Parliamentary Odyssey: Volume I, Speeches at Westminster 1929–1944, Manutius Press, 1996; Aneurin Bevan – A Parliamentary Odyssey: Volume II, Speeches at Westminster 1945–1960, Manutius Press, 2000.

