幽門螺旋菌(Helicobacter pylori)係一種令人類患胃病嘅細菌,革蘭氏陰性桿菌,長約 2 至 4 微米。
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Helicobacter pylori ((Marshall et al. 1985) Goodwin et al. 1989) ICD-9 code: 041.86 |
1982年,兩個澳大利亞科學家,華倫同馬歇爾(Robin Warren and Barry Marshal)將幽門螺旋菌響人嘅胃黏液度分開同成功培植,佢哋嘅結論認為人嘅胃潰瘍、胃炎係由呢隻菌引起。開始嗰陣,冇乜人信佢,皆因一直認為啲菌冇可能長時間喺強胃酸度生存。馬歇爾飲咗幾滴呢隻菌落肚,之後患上胃潰瘍,用抗生素治療就好番,之後經過更詳細嘅研究,醫學界對呢隻菌同胃病關係,慢慢咁接受。
編輯全球約有五成人口受感染,而中國地區感染率係 60-80%。帶菌者通常冇症狀。研究發現幽門螺旋杆菌感染率高嘅地區,胃癌嘅比率亦相應多啲[1]。
編輯- Helicobacter pylori - Natural solutions Offers guidance and natural programmes for H Pylori sufferers
- The Helicobacter Foundation provides information on Helicobacter pylori and its effects - founded by Dr. Barry J. Marshall, one of the discoverers of H. pylori
- Helicobacter pylori persistence: biology and disease by Martin J. Blaser and John C. Atherton in Journal of Clinical Investigations (2004) Volume 113 pages 321–333.
- Helicobacter pylori: Physiology and Genetics Online text of the Mobley et al book (via NCBI).
- European Helicobacter Study Group sponsors annual international workshop, yearbook, and clinical guidelines
- The Year in Helicobacter pylori 2006 Helicobacter journal Supplement Oct 2006 - Free content
- 1994–2005 back issues
- Atwood KC. Bacteria, Ulcers, and Ostracism?: H. pylori and the Making of a Myth. Skeptical Inquirer November 2004. Fulltext Claims that medicine’s purported ostracism of the discovery of H. pylori has achieved a mythological quality, but isn't true: after appropriate initial scientific skepticism, the hypothesis was accepted right "on schedule".
- Microscopic image of H. pylori
- H. pylori Picture Book
- List of species in the genus Helicobacter
- Out Of Africa -- Bacteria, As Well: Homo Sapiens And H. Pylori Jointly Spread Across The Globe ScienceDaily (Feb. 16, 2007) — When man made his way out of Africa some 60,000 years ago to populate the world, he was not alone: He was accompanied by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori....