

擴散型思考粵拼kwong3 saan3 sing3 si1 haau2英文divergent thinking)係諗嘢方式嘅一種,指個人諗嘢嗰陣唔係集中於要「搵一個正確嘅答案」,而係會嘗試探索好多唔同嘅可能答案,可能當中某啲答案會比較能夠有效噉解答條問題,但唔會話得一個係明顯正確答案。如果畫做圖嘅話,就會好似附圖噉,一吓刺激(俾人要求佢諗答案)引致好多個唔同嘅可能答案[1][2]。擴散型思考相對於聚斂型思考

舉個例說明,想像家陣有個人俾人叫佢解一條算術問題,條問題得一個正確答案(聚斂),就係擴散型思考;相比之下,想像有個人俾人叫佢寫作寫篇短篇故仔出嚟,但途中冇指定個故仔實要係乜乜乜樣,只要個故仔寫得夠好,都能夠達到令人滿意嘅結果-噉要寫作嗰個人可以寫個講人工智能科幻故仔又得、一個建基於希臘神話奇幻故仔又得、一個講吸血鬼恐怖故仔又得... 呀噉-有好多個唔同嘅可能答案[3]


睇埋 編輯


  1. Lieberman, J. Nina (1965-12-01). "Playfulness and Divergent Thinking: An Investigation of their Relationship at the Kindergarten Level". The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 107 (2): 219-224.
  2. Runco, M. A., & Acar, S. (2012). Divergent thinking as an indicator of creative potential (PDF). Creativity research journal, 24(1), 66-75.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Baer, J. (1996). The effects of task‐specific divergent‐thinking training (PDF). The Journal of Creative Behavior, 30(3), 183-187.
  4. Basadur, M. (1995). Optimal ideation-evaluation ratios. Creativity Research Journal, 8, 63-75.
  5. Olson, J. A., Nahas, J., Chmoulevitch, D., Cropper, S. J., & Webb, M. E. (2021). Naming unrelated words predicts creativity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(25).