教書哲學gaau3 syu1 zit3 hok6Teaching philosophy)係一個人對教書嘅個人睇法,包括咗

  • 佢教書嗰陣想追求咩目標
  • 佢教書嗰陣睇重啲乜嘢;
  • 佢對教書同學習等嘅嘢嘅信念
  • 佢用咩行動嚟執行上述嘅嘢;

... 呀噉。啲人講解自己嘅教書哲學嗰時,通常仲要舉啲實質嘅成功例子。


睇埋 編輯

參攷 編輯

  1. Hegarty, Niall, C. (2015). "The growing importance of Teaching Philosophy Statements and what they mean for the future: why Teaching Philosophy Statements will affect you". Journal of Adult Education. 44: 4 - via EBSCO Host.
  2. Zauha, Janelle (2009-04-07). "The Importance of a Philosophy of Teaching Statement to the Teacher/Librarian". Communications in Information Literacy. 2 (2): 64.