關喬昌(1801年—1860年),號林官(Lam Qua),亦寫啉呱,係大清受過西洋畫訓練嘅畫師,來自廣東。佢亦係第一位華人人像畫家響西方展覽,響醫學醫都好出名。佢響廣州十三行度有畫室。
1836年到1855年之間,林官同醫生Peter Parker畫病人畫。林官畫咗好多腫瘤同畸型病態。響耶魯大學醫學圖畫館,就有好多佢呢系列嘅作品。
編輯- Gilman, S. Lam Qua and the development of a westernized medical iconography in China J. Medical Hist. (1986)
- Peter Parker Collection Yale University
- Chang, J. A reconstructive surgeon's taste in art: Dr Peter Parker and the Lam Qua oil paintings Ann Plast Surg. (1993)
- Hume, Edward Peter Parker and the Introduction of Anesthesia into China Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (1946)