
官方語言 編輯



荷蘭文(弗萊明文) 編輯


法文 編輯


德文 編輯

德文係比利時嘅其中一個官方語言。而家德文係1%比利時人嘅母語,同埋德文都係比利時奧伊彭-馬爾默迪嘅主要語言。喺比利時講德文嘅人主要被分做兩類。第一類講德文嘅比利時人係指喺比利時啱啱獨立個陣就經已喺比利時度住嘅講德文嘅人,佢哋主要住喺比利時列日省嘅東北部、同埋盧森堡省嘅東部。而第二類講德文嘅比利時人係指奧伊彭-馬爾默迪嘅居民 [8],喺一戰之前奧伊彭-馬爾默迪係德國嘅一部份,而喺一戰之後根據凡爾賽條約德國割讓咗呢個地區俾比利時。[9]

參考 編輯










  1. "Languages spoken in Belgium: an overview". www.alphatrad.com (英文). 2023-09-01. 喺2024-02-17搵到.
  2. Tweel, Stef van den (2023-08-14). "Where Languages Clash: Belgium's Language Border". Medium (英文). 喺2024-02-17搵到.
  3. Aunger, Edmund A. (1993-01-01). "Regional, national, and official languages in Belgium". International Journal of the Sociology of Language (英文). 1993 (104): 31–48. doi:10.1515/ijsl.1993.104.31. ISSN 1613-3668.
  4. "What language is spoken in Belgium?". HousingAnywhere (英文). 喺2024-02-17搵到.
  5. "ATLAS - Dutch: Who speaks it?". www.ucl.ac.uk. 喺2024-02-17搵到.
  6. Babbel.com; GmbH, Lesson Nine. "Why Is French Spoken In Belgium?". Babbel Magazine (英文). 喺2024-02-17搵到.
  7. Src='https://Secure.gravatar.com/Avatar/894fdbd10a8209209a2e882afd78573f?s=80, <img Alt=; #038;d=mm; Srcset='https://Secure.gravatar.com/Avatar/894fdbd10a8209209a2e882afd78573f?s=160, #038;r=g'; #038;d=mm; heart, #038;r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-80 photo' height='80' width='80' decoding='async'/> Babs Rodrigus Babs Rodrigus is a travel addict at; Belgium, loves to explore her home country; Wife, The Rest of the World-Preferably with Her; country, kids She’s all about showing you the most mesmerising spots in this tiny European; travelling, making you see how great it truly is When she’s not (2022-10-01). "Why is French Spoken in Belgium?". nextstopbelgium.com (美國英文). 喺2024-02-17搵到.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: 作者名單 (link)
  8. Jenniges, Hubert (1998). Deprez, Kas; Vos, Louis (編). Germans, German Belgians, German-Speaking Belgians (英文). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 240–248. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-26868-9_21. ISBN 978-1-349-26868-9.