k[1] 單位
1.38064852(79)×10−23 JK−1
8.6173303(50)×10−5 eV⋅K−1
1.38064852(79)×10−16 erg⋅K−1

波茲曼常數Boltzmann constant)係個描述溫度能量物理常數,用k嚟表示。呢個常數由奧地利物理學家波茲曼發現。


  1. Barry N. Taylor of the Data Center in close collaboration with Peter J. Mohr of the Physical Measurement Laboratory's Atomic Physics Division, Termed the "2014 CODATA recommended values," they are generally recognized worldwide for use in all fields of science and technology. The values became available on 25 June 2015 and replaced the 2010 CODATA set. They are based on all of the data available through 31 December 2014. Available: http://physics.nist.gov